Guild's Adventure 0.2 is here

Wow. It has certainly been a long time.

Over the past two and a half years I have been making this dream of a book into something actually playable, and we are finally here, to a point.

The game, as it is released, could be run by an experienced GM with some filling in the blanks, but it has a way to go before I am comfortable calling it widely playtestable. Even so, this is the base of what I want the game to look like going forward.

I could enumerate all the changes in this release, but it really all comes down to one thing: Guild's Adventure is now a tabletop RPG with rules, mechanics, and the beginnings of a setting.

I invite you to read and let me know what you like or dislike. I know a few players a few years ago *really* wanted to play essentially the earliest playable version possible, so if you're still around this is it. As mentioned before, it may be worth waiting until the book is fleshed out a bit more before testing, but if you do try it as a game I am particularly interested to hear about your experiences.


Guild's Adventure 0.2 2.2 MB
Jan 23, 2023

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